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Alan Tsang


Alan Tsang studied singing at the Royal College of Music in London and was a former Choral Scholar at St Martin-in-the-Fields. An experienced baritone soloist, he has performed with many eminent conductors in concert and operatic repertoire and in recital for RTHK Radio 4. His portrayal of Jesus in J.S. Bach’s St Matthew Passion for Bachfest Malaysia was nominated for best vocal performance. In 2019 he was selected to take part in a masterclass with the world-renowned German baritone Thomas Quasthoff as part of the Hong Kong Arts Festival Plus programme. He has also performed under composers John Rutter and Bob Chilcott during their respective debut visits to Hong Kong. Alan Tsang has performed in events for the Government of the HKSAR in London, Singapore and Hong Kong. For nine consecutive years he has performed a variety of national anthems for the Hong Kong Sevens at the Hong Kong Stadium.  Alan Tsang is currently Assistant Director of Music at St John’s Cathedral.  He teaches singing at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and also serves as the chairman of the Sham Shui Po Children’s Choir. 2023 marks his sixth performance with City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong as a soloist in Howard Blake's The Bear!



男中音曾宇軒畢業於英國皇家音樂學院,曾任倫敦聖馬田大教堂的合唱學者。作為一位富有經驗的獨唱家,他曾與許多國際知名的指揮家、合唱團和樂隊演出不同的音樂會和歌劇曲目,亦為香港電台灌錄佛瑞的藝術歌曲。他於馬來西亞巴赫節演唱聖馬太受難曲的基督,獲最佳聲樂表演提名。 曾宇軒亦參加了德國男中音湯瑪士夸斯托夫聲樂大師班(2019年香港藝術節加料節目之一)。他亦有幸於盧特和契爾考特兩位著名作曲家分別首次訪港時,與他們合作演出。曾宇軒曾在香港、倫敦、新加坡,於不同的場合為香港特別行政區政府獻唱,亦連續九年於香港大球場為香港七人欖球總決賽獻唱隊伍國歌。曾氏現為聖約翰座堂助理音樂總監、香港中文大學的聲樂導師及深水埗兒童合唱團主席。今年是他與香港城市室樂團第六次同台演出《大熊》!


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