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Alma Deutscher


Alma Deutscher has been praised by Zubin Mehta as “one of the greatest musical talents today”. Born in 2005, she has been featured around the world as a composer, violinist, pianist and conductor since an exceptionally young age. She started playing the piano when she was two years old and the violin when she was three. At six, she composed her first piano sonata, and at nine a concerto for violin and orchestra. At the age of ten she composed her first opera titled “Cinderella”. In 2019 Alma Deutscher received the European Culture Prize in a ceremony at the Vienna State Opera and was elected by the German Magazine Stern as one of twelve ‘Heroes of Tomorrow’. In the same year she made her Carnegie Hall  debut in New York to standing ovations. Her opera, Cinderella, has been performed on three continents to sold-out houses and released on DVD by Sony Classical and by the Vienna State Opera. Alma Deutscher has appeared as a soloist playing her own compositions with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, the Mozarteum Orchestra, Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra and the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, among others. She has also performed at the Lucerne Festival, Aix-en-Provence Festival and the Beijing Music Festival. Her extraordinary talents have been featured in the New York Times, China Daily and many of Europe’s major newspapers. In 2017 she was featured in a BBC Documentary and a CBS documentary. Her first piano solo album, From My Book of Melodies, was released by Sony Classical and is published by G. Schirmer. Alma Deutscher plays on a violin made in 1683 by Antonio Stradivari (the Bucher Stradivarius), and on a violin made by Peter Greiner in 2015.



阿爾瑪‧多伊徹曾獲名指揮家蘇賓‧梅達讚譽爲「當今最卓越的音樂天才之一」。這位生於2005年的女孩子,在很小年紀已憑着作曲、演奏小提琴和鋼琴、指揮樂團演奏,成為全球知名的人物。她兩歳開始彈鋼琴,三歳會拉小提琴,六歲已創作第一首鋼琴奏鳴曲,九歲寫成一首小提琴與樂團協奏曲,十歲完成她第一套歌劇《灰姑娘》。2019年,阿爾瑪在維也納國家歌劇團的慶典中獲頒「歐洲文化獎」,又獲德國雜誌《斯坦》選為十二位「明日英傑」之一。同年首度踏上紐約卡奈基音樂廳的演奏台獻藝,演出後全場起立致敬。她的歌劇《灰姑娘》已演遍了三大洲,每場均坐無虛席,並由新力古典唱片公司及維也納國家歌劇團錄製成鐳射影碟發行。阿爾瑪本人也親自在自己的作品中擔任獨奏,與以色列愛樂樂團、英國皇家管弦樂團、莫扎特管弦樂團、印第安納波利斯交響樂團、深圳交響樂團等合作演出。她又曾在琉森音樂節、艾森普羅旺斯音樂節及北京音樂節登台亮相。她的非凡才華曾獲《紐約時報》、《中國日報》及多份歐洲大報章專題報導。2017年,英國廣播公司紀錄片集和CBS紀錄片集以她為特寫人物。她灌錄的第一張個人鋼琴獨奏唱片《取自我的旋律本子》,由新力古典唱片發行,樂譜由G. Schirmer出版。阿爾瑪‧多伊徹用以演奏的小提琴,是安東尼奧‧史塔第發利於1683年製作的「(獨一無二的)Bucher Stradivarius」,以及一具由彼得‧格萊納於2015年製成的小提琴。


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