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Binelli-Ferman Duo


World-class tango masters, Binelli-Ferman (bandoneón/piano duo) have toured extensively to Tokyo, Beijing, Shanghai, Rome, Paris, Munich, Berne, St. Petersburg, Chicago, Dallas, Atlanta, Miami, San Francisco, Rio de Janeiro, Bogotá and Buenos Aires. They have appeared as soloists with the San Francisco, Colorado and Vancouver Symphony Orchestras, the Eskisehir Symphony in Turkey, Xalapa Symphony Orchestra in Mexico, the National Symphony of Argentina, the Montevideo Philharmonic in Uruguay and the Concepcion Symphony Orchestra in Chile. They feature in recording with City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong (CCOHK) on the Orchid Classics label. Their Tango Passion performance with CCOHK in 2010 was a sell-out and has been broadcast several times on RTHK TV.



世界級探戈音樂大師、阿根廷手風琴與鋼琴二重奏組合賓奈利與費曼曾在世界各地演出,足跡遍及東京、北京、上海、羅馬、巴黎、慕尼黑、伯恩、聖彼得堡、芝加哥、達拉斯、亞特蘭大、邁亞密、三藩市、里約熱內盧、波哥大和布宜諾斯艾利斯。二人曾分別以獨奏身分和多個管弦樂團演出,包括三藩市、科羅拉多和溫哥華三地的交響樂團、土耳其的埃斯基交響樂團、墨西哥的哈拉帕交響樂團、阿根廷國家交響樂團、烏拉圭的蒙特維多管弦樂團、智利的概念交響樂團等。他們亦和香港城市室樂團合作,為Orchid Classics公司灌錄了唱片。二人和香港城市室樂團在2010年合作演出的《激情樂舞探戈》座無虛席,並在香港電台電視台多次播出。


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