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Jenny Lee


Jenny Lee studied piano with Patsy Toh, wife of the legendary concert pianist Fu’ Tsong. She holds a First-Class Honours degree in Music from King’s College London and a Masters degree from the Royal Academy of Music. Her stage performances as a narrator, emcee, actress and dancer include collaborations with the Hong Kong Arts Festival, Opera Hong Kong, The Fringe Club and The Asia Society among others.  From 2004 to 2013 she worked as a bilingual presenter and producer for RTHK Radio 4, during which time she won the World Bronze Medal at the New York Festival, RTHK’s Top 10 Most Favourite English Presenter and Top 10 Most Favourite English Programme. For three years she worked at the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra in marketing and fundraising. Jenny Lee is currently the Founder and Principal of the Silver Academy of Music (SAM), winner of the Hong Kong Most Outstanding Services Award for Best Music Academy in 2019. In the past six years students at SAM have won as many as 88 awards with 70% of them achieving distinction for their ABRSM exams. Jenny has won 10 Best Teacher Awards. She is also a certified Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Healer and Reiki Therapist and has combined this knowledge with her interests in yoga and meditation to create a new pedagogy at SAM called Body.Mind.Music.



李嘉盈師承「鋼琴詩人」傅聰太太-卓一龍,並以一級榮譽畢業於倫敦大學音樂系,後於英國皇家音樂學院完成碩士課程。作為藝術家,她曾擔任朗誦者、司儀、演員及舞者,皆獲好評;合作過的機構包括香港藝術節、香港歌劇院、藝穗會、亞洲協會等。在2004年至2013年間,她是香港電台第四台的雙語節目主持和監製,並贏得New York Festival的《世界銅獎》、香港電台「十大最受歡迎英語主持」及「十大最受歡迎英語節目」。其後三年,她為香港管弦樂團成功籌款並作市場推廣。李嘉盈現為Silver Academy of Music (SAM)的創辦人及校長。SAM於2019年獲頒HKMOS《年度最佳音樂學院》;學生們於六年內贏88個比賽獎項,於ABRSM獲70% Distinction。她亦獲10項 「傑出教師奬」。Jenny也是一位Sound Healer,擁有水晶缽聲音療法和Reiki執業証書,作能量治療;她將此元素加入SAM中,結合瑜珈和冥想,自創了一套訓練「Body.Mind.Music.」的音樂教育模式。


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