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Jessica Ng


Jessica Ng was born in Hong Kong and studied English Literature and Classics at the University of Edinburgh and singing at the Mannes School of Music in the USA. Her stage roles include the Queen of the Night in Mozart's The Magic Flute performed in Weimar, Naples, Johannesburg and Hong Kong. For Musica Viva she has performed several operatic roles including Adina in Donizetti’s The Elixir of Love (2016), La Contessa in Mozart’s the Marriage of Figaro (2019), Clotilde in Bellini's Norma (2021), Donna Elvira in Mozart’s Don Giovanni (2022) and the role of Otoko, the first geisha, in the world premiere of Elena Langer's chamber opera Beauty and Sadness directed by Carolyn Choa. On the concert stage she has performed Lucia in Donizetti’s Lucia di Lammermoor and Rosalinde in Strauss’ Die Fledermaus in Ho Chi Minh City. Her more recent performances include the soprano solo in Brahms’ A German Requiem with the Hong Kong Bach Choir and the role of Princess Esterhazy in Haydn & the Prince curated by City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong. In 2024 she performed a major acting role in the world premiere of Shark Symphony with music by Simon Whiteside, Leanne Nicholls and Finnish accordion star Antti Paalanen. Jessica Ng is currently the founder of Opera Box, an artist-run opera company specializing in cross-collaborative and multi-disciplinary productions.



吳羿䝼在香港出生,於英國愛丁堡大學修讀英國文學及在美國曼因斯音樂學院修習聲樂。她在舞台出演過的角色,包括莫扎特的《魔笛》中夜后一角,踏過威瑪、拿不勒斯、約翰尼斯堡及香港的台板。她曾參與許多非凡美樂的製作。歌劇角色包括多尼采的《愛情靈藥》(2016年)中的阿迪娜,莫扎特的《費加洛婚禮》(2019年)中的拉孔特薩,貝里尼的《諾瑪》(2021年)中的克洛蒂爾德,以及莫扎特的《唐喬望尼》(2022年)中的唐娜艾爾維拉。她亦在艾蓮娜‧朗格的室內歌劇《美麗與哀愁》世界首演中飾演藝伎音子;該劇由蔡敏儀執導。此外,她又曾在胡志明巿的歌劇音樂會上,演唱唐尼彩第《魂斷南山》的露絲亞,以及史特勞斯《蝙蝠》的羅莎蓮德。她近期的演出包括由香港巴赫合唱團主辦,布拉姆斯《德意志安魂曲》中的女高音獨唱,及香港城市室樂團《海頓與親王》中的親王夫人。2024 年,她在《鯊鯊音樂劇》的世界首演中有一個吃重的角色;該劇由西蒙.威斯作曲, 黎燕欣 監製/導演,芬蘭手風琴家安提.柏拉寧伴奏。吳羿䝼為Opera Box的創辦人,一個由藝術家主導並專注於跨媒體制作的歌劇公司。


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