Micah Sandt
Micah trained as an actor at Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts in London. For City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong, he performed the role of Chad, the poacher in the world premiere and CD recording of the award-winning Wild (The Musical) and the role of Ferdinand Ries, Beethoven’s personal assistant in The Bonn Man. His other performing credits include Café I Do with MQ Musical Theatre (original cast), Gweilo with Pants Productions (Paris tour and upcoming UK tour), Tabby McTat with ABA Productions (Singapore tour), Studio 54 as Elton John with Secret Theatre, and Smokey Joe’s Café with Hong Kong 3 Arts Musical Institute (China tour). Micah also works as a musical director, pianist, teacher and composer and holds a master’s degree in composition from the Tisch School of The Arts, New York University. He writes and arranges music for theatre, film, TV, dance and cabarets. His most recent works include a new one-woman musical called My Bubble and Me with Marsha Yuan (US tour), and dance music for the UK TV series Mary & George (Sky and AMC). Micah Sandt’s multicultural background includes being born in Taiwan to French and Finnish parents and growing up in Hong Kong.
孫麥凱畢業於倫敦蒙特威爾戲劇學校,修讀戲劇表演。他為香港城市室樂團演出獲獎音樂劇《野地之聲》(世界首演及CD錄音)中飾演偷獵者Chad一角,以及《波恩英雄》中貝多芬的私人助理費迪南‧賴斯一角。近期的演出包括MQ Musical Theatre的《為你鍾情》音樂劇(原創演員)、「一條褲製作」的獨腳戲《鬼佬》重演(巴黎巡演及即將在英國巡演)、ABA Productions的《Tabby McTat》(新加坡巡演)、Secret Theatre的《Studio 54》飾演埃爾頓·約翰,以及香港音樂劇藝術學院的《喬「樂」無窮咖啡館》南中國巡演等。孫麥凱也擔任音樂總監、鋼琴家、教師和作曲家。他在紐約大學蒂施藝術學院的取得藝術碩士學位,主修音樂創作。他為戲劇、電影、電視、舞蹈和歌舞表演創作和編曲。他最近的作品包括與原子鏸合作的新獨角音樂劇 《My Bubble and Me》(美國巡演),以及為英國電視劇《Mary & George》(Sky和AMC製作)創作舞蹈音樂。孫麥凱擁有多元文化背景,生於台灣,父親是法裔,母親是芬蘭裔,他三歲移居香港。