Philippe Forget
guest conductor
Philippe Forget works regularly for Opera de Lyon where he has conducted performances of The Tales of Hoffmann, The Damnation of Faust, The Child and the Spells and operas by Copland, Blacher and Glass. His engagements as guest conductor include the Thessaloniki State Symphony Orchestra, the Orquestra Sinfonica Campinas in San Paolo, the Hudson Valley Orchestra (USA), the Orchestre National de Lorraine, National Orchestra of Bretagne, Opera National de Bordeaux and the Concerts Lamoureux in Paris. He has served as Associate Conductor of the Camerata de Bourgogne, and from 2008 to 2013 he was resident Chief Conductor of the Orchestre Regional Bayonne-Cote Basque. In 2009 he was invited by the International Festival in Verbier to conduct performances of Don Giovanni. Since 2014 he has appeared as guest conductor at the Festival Opera des Landes in the Canary Islands where he has performed Carmen, La Boheme, Rigoletto, Werther, Faust, La Traviata and Pelléas et Mélisande. Philippe Forget is currently an associated artist with Opéra de Limoges, Musical Director of the ensemble Orpheon-La Compagnie Vocale in Lyon and the Artistic Director of the Labeaume Festival of Music. In 2021 he was honoured with the Knight of Order of Arts and Letters by the French Republic.
菲利普‧霍積經常與里昂歌劇團合作,曾指揮《霍夫曼的故事》、《浮士德的天譴》、《孩童與魔法》,以及柯普蘭、伯雅赫及格拉斯的歌劇。此外,他曾擔任帖撒羅尼基國家交響樂團、聖保羅市坎皮納斯交響樂團、美國哈德遜河谷管弦樂團、洛林國家樂團、布列塔尼國家交響樂團、波爾多國家歌劇團、巴黎藍姆萊管弦樂團等的客席指揮。他曾是勃艮第室樂團的助理指揮,2008至2013年出任巴約訥哥特巴斯克地區樂團的駐團首席指揮。2009年,他應邀到韋比耶國際音樂節指揮上演《唐喬望尼》。他自2014年起爲加那利群島的朗德斯歌劇節擔任客席指揮,演出過《卡門》、《波希米亞生涯》、《弄臣》、《少年維特》、《浮士德》、《茶花女》、《佩利亞與梅麗桑》等劇。霍積現為利摩日歌劇團的客席藝術家、里 昂的奧菲昂聲樂團音樂總監,又是拉博姆音樂節的藝術總監。2021年,他獲法國政府授予「藝術與文學勳章」。