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Workshop Cancellation 工作坊取消

The "Body Percussion Workshop by Funky Currywurst Brothers" on 28 Mar 2021 have been cancelled due to complications arising from COVID-19.


The "Body Percussion Workshop by Funky Currywurst Brothers" on 28 Mar 2021 have been cancelled due to complications arising from COVID-19.


Body Percussion Workshop
by Funky Currywurst Brothers

Former cast members of the hit West End show STOMP, Johannes Bohun and Peter Stavrum Nielsen are a Danish/Austrian percussion duo specializing in body percussion in a music genre called “Rhythm & Comedy”. In this workshop they will encourage participants to get active while also developing musical skills. Basic percussion beats using hands and feet will develop into a routine or composition guaranteed to be fun! Percussion skills are an advantage but not necessary for participating in this interactive workshop.


Enquiries & Bookings / 2864 2151

28.03.2021 (Sun) 10:30am-12:00noon

CR2, 7/F Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall Backstage

Participants $200 / Observers $100


來自丹麥及奧地利的敲擊樂二人組,約翰尼斯 波洪及彼得 斯達馮 尼爾遜曾是「破銅爛鐵敲擊樂隊」的成員,在倫敦西區的節目及國際巡迴都廣受好評。他們專門研究身體敲擊樂,並稱之為「節奏與喜劇」。在這個工作坊中,他們將鼓勵參與者積極參與並發展音樂才能,帶領大家僅用手手腳腳打着簡單的拍子,便創造出非常有創意及動感,又非常好玩的音樂。有敲擊樂演奏經驗的參與者固然會更得心應手,但就算你平時很少玩音樂,也一定會樂在其中。


查詢或訂票 / 2864 2151

28.03.2021 (日) 10:30am-12:00noon


參加工作坊 $200 / 旁聽觀眾 $100

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