Amy Tam
Amy Tam was born in Guangzhou and has performed regularly with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra since 2000. She joined City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong as Principal Harpist in 2015. She teaches at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Music Office. Amy Tam was awarded The Molly McAulay Scholarship to study at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music where she completed her Masters of Music (Performance) degree. She received her Bachelor of Music degree from the China Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing and holds a Professional Diploma with distinction from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.
譚懷理生於廣洲, 2000年起經常參與香港管弦樂團及香港中樂團的演出。她於2015年加入香港城市室樂團擔任首席豎琴至今。譚懷理現任教於香港演藝學院 、香港中文大學及音樂事務處。她曾獲高利夫人獎學金到澳洲悉尼音樂學院學習,以碩士學位畢業。此前於北京中央音樂學院以管弦系學士畢業及於香港演藝學院獲頒專業文憑。