Caspar Billington
Caspar Billington was born in London and began his musical training at the age of eight at the prestigious Westminster Cathedral Choir School. He studied trumpet with John Miller (Principal Trumpet, Philip Jones Brass Ensemble) and Martin Winter (Co-Principal Trumpet, BBC Philharmonic Orchestra) at the Royal Northern College of Music and graduated in 2003 with a Masters of Music (Performance) degree. In the UK he has performed with the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra, the Halle Orchestra and the Trelights Brass Quintet. From 2003 to 2011 Caspar was appointed a member of the Macao Orchestra. He also performed in Macao with the Macao Brass Quintet and as a soloist in Vivaldi's Concerto for Two Trumpets. Caspar became a member of City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong in 2011. Now based in Hong Kong, he has also performed with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra and is in demand as a brass tutor.
貝嘉柏生於倫敦,自8歲起學習音樂並就讀於著名的西敏寺大教堂詩班學校。他就讀於皇家北方音樂學院,獲席莊‧米勒(菲臘‧鍾斯銅管樂團小號首席) 和馬田‧溫達(英國廣播公司愛樂樂團小號聯合首席) 等名師的栽培,並於2003年考獲音樂演奏碩士學位。他在英國曾參與英國廣播公司愛樂樂團和哈萊樂團的演出,並是采麗斯銅管五重奏的成員。他由2003至2011年加入澳門樂團,並在樂團演出韋華第的《雙小號協奏曲》中擔任獨奏。他 擔任rom the obtained sip 予以肯定。1992rincipal pobist of the HKAPA orchestra Hong Kong, Bangkok and Taiwan.澳門銅管五重奏的成樂師。貝嘉柏於2011年加入香港城市室樂團。他現居香港,曾參與香港管弦樂團和馬來西亞愛樂樂團的演出。此外他亦擔任小號導師。