Emily Lin
Emily Lin was born in Taiwan and grew up in the USA. She studied flute in Los Angeles with James Walker, Anne Zentner and Roger Stevens. She received a scholarship to study at the University of Southern California where she is the recipient of several degrees in flute performance including a Bachelor of Music, Masters in Music and a Doctor of Musical Arts. Her first major appearance as a young musician was performing as Principal Flautist with a youth orchestra at New York’s Carnegie Hall. From 1992 to 2000 she performed as soloist and Principal Flautist with the American Symphony Orchestra under Zubin Mehta and Mehli Mehta. In 1992 she won the Arts Recognition Award for flute performance in the national talent search in the USA. She was also awarded scholarships from the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra for three years running in 1992, 1994 and 1995. Emily Lin is currently a faculty member at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She became a member of City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong in 2002.
林昱伶生於台灣並於美國成長。她師從華格、珍娜及史提芬斯學習長笛。林昱伶長年獲奬學金,並於洛杉磯南加州大學以音樂學士、碩士及長笛演奏音樂博士學位畢業。她年紀很小已在紐約卡奈基演奏廳登台,以青年交響樂團的長笛首席身份作首次正式公開演出。林昱伶於1992至2000年擔任美國交響樂團的長笛首席,在梅塔父子這兩位指揮大師的指揮下演出。 她更於1992年歐洲巡迴獨奏,同年獲美國「全國天才追蹤」許為長笛專家,對她在藝術成就予以肯定。1992、1994及1995年獲洛杉磯愛樂樂團奬學金。林昱伶現任教香港演藝學院長笛系及中文大學音樂系。她於2002年加入香港城市室樂團。