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Feng Lok-yee


Feng Lok-yee was born in Hong Kong and began learning the violin at the age of five. She studied violin with Le Hoai-nam and Michael Ma and received her Diploma and Bachelor of Music (Hons) degree from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. During her studies at the HKAPA, Feng Lok-yee was awarded the Academy Honours – Dean’s List and several awards and scholarships including the SAR Philharmonic Scholarship, the Reaching Out Award from the HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund and The Society of HKAPA Local Scholarship. After graduation, she studied under Jacqueline Ross at the Guildhall School of Music & Drama in London, UK and obtained her Master of Music degree in violin performance. Feng Lok-yee has participated in music festivals in Taiwan, Germany and the USA. She performed as soloist at the 3rd International Youth Music Festival in Bratislava and on scholarship at the Kent/Blossom Music Festival where she performed with The Cleveland Orchestra. She was a First Prize Winner in the Violin Duo category at the 61st European Music Festival in 2013. Feng Lok-yee became a member of City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong in 2020.



馮諾兒生於香港,從五歲開始學習小提琴。她在2014至2019年就讀於香港演藝學院,主修小提琴並師隨李海南及馬忠為,考獲音樂文憑及音樂學士(榮譽)學位。在學期間,她曾獲香港愛樂團獎學金、香港特別行政區政府獎學基金的外展體驗獎等獎學金,並以優異成績列入為院長嘉許名單。其後,馮諾兒就讀於英國倫敦市政廳音樂及戲劇學院,師隨賈桂琳‧蘿絲並考獲碩士學位。她曾參與包括台灣、德國及美國等世界各地的音樂節,亦獲邀以獨奏者身份於第三屆國際青少年音樂節的開幕禮及閉幕禮上演出。馮諾兒於布拉迪斯拉發(斯洛伐克) 舉行的第61屆歐洲音樂節中,獲取小提琴和龬琴合奏比賽的一等奬。亦獲獎學金加 Kent/Blossom音樂節,與克里夫蘭管弦樂團同台演出。馮諾兒於2020年加入香港城市室樂團。

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