Joe Kirtley
Principal Horn
Joe Kirtley was born in the USA and started playing the horn when he was twelve years old. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Music Education from the Oklahoma State University and a Master of Music in Performance from the University of Washington. His mentors include Julian Christopher Leuba, former Principal horn of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. During his studies in Washington he received the prestigious Breechman Scholarship and was invited to play as soloist with the Seattle Symphony Orchestra. Throughout his career he has performed with the Seattle Symphony Orchestra, the Portland Symphony Orchestra, the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, the Chamber Orchestra Northwest, the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra and the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra. His engagements with the Seattle Opera include sixty performances of the complete Ring Cycle by Richard Wagner during the Seattle Opera’s Summer Fest. Joe Kirtley was invited to join the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra in 1979 and served as the orchestra's Associate/Assistant Principal horn for seventeen years. From 1996 to 2018 he was appointed a full-time lecturer in the brass faculty at The Hong Kong Academy for the Performing Arts. His active involvement in Hong Kong's music community as both a performer and educator spans more than forty years. He has performed with the Hong Kong Bach Choir, a season of The Phantom of the Opera for Lunchbox Theatrical Productions and shows with Canto star Alan Tam. He has also served as an adjunct teacher at the Hong Kong Music Office, Hong Kong Baptist University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Shanghai Orchestral Academy. He is a founding member and Principal horn of City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong since 1999. In addition to performing with the orchestra he enjoys private teaching.
裘德禮生於美國,十二歲時就開始學習演奏圓號。他擁有俄克拉荷馬州立大學音樂教育學士學位及華盛頓大學音樂表演碩士學位。他的導師包括前芝加哥交響樂團首席基斯·勒巴。在華盛頓學習期間,他獲得著名的Breechman獎學金,並應邀為西雅圖交響樂團的演出擔任獨奏。在他的整個職業生涯中,他曾與西雅圖交響樂團、波特蘭交響樂團、加拿大溫哥華交響樂團和西北室內樂團、夏洛特交響樂團馬及來西亞交響樂團合作演出。他與西雅圖歌劇院的長期合作,當中包括於該劇院的夏季音樂節上演多達60場的理察·華格納《指環》完整系列。裘德禮於1979年受邀加入香港愛樂樂團,並擔任樂團的聯合/助理首席圓號達17年。從1996年到2018年,他被任命為香港演藝學院的全職銅管樂教師。作為表演者和教育 者,他積極參與香港音樂界的發展長達40多年,曾參與香港巴赫合唱團、香港Lunchbox Theatrical Production 的《歌聲魅影》,亦與譚詠麟等藝人同台演出。他同時擔任音樂事務處、香港浸會大學、香港中文大學和上海管弦樂學院的兼職導師。自1999年以來,他擔任香港城市室內樂團的創團成員和首席圓號。除了樂團演出,他亦致力從事音樂教學工作。