John Sit
Principal Second Violin
John Sit was born in Hong Kong and graduated with a Master of Music degree from the Manhattan School of Music where he studied violin with Lucie Robert. In 2012 he graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) under a full scholarship given by the Hong Kong Jockey Club. During his studies John Sit played on a Bassot violin (1707) on loan from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charity Trust. John Sit began learning the violin from his mother from a young age and obtained his ABRSM Grade 8 in violin at the age of nine. From the age of twelve he studied with Leung King-fung and obtained his Fellowship of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. He joined the Asian Youth Orchestra for two consecutive years and has worked with prestigious conductors including Kurt Masur, Esa-Pekka Salonen, Edo de Waart, Trevor Pinnock and James Judd. He has performed in masterclasses given by Huang Mengla, Simon Standage, Lorenzo Colitto, Eva Steinschaden and the Szymanowski and Penderecki String Quartets. John Sit has made appearances at the Texas Music Festival and the Beijing Music Festival. In 2014 he performed for the Hong Kong tour of The Phantom of the Opera for Lunchbox Productions. He has been a member of City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong since 2015.
薛子豪生於香港,畢業於美國曼克頓音樂學院,獲音樂碩士學位,是露絲‧羅伯特的門生。到曼克頓深造前,他獲香港賽馬會授予全費獎學金入讀香港演藝學院,於2012年畢業。在學期間,獲香港賽馬會借出約瑟‧巴索製於1707年的小提琴演奏。薛氏自幼在母親教導下學習小提琴,九歲已通過英國皇家音樂學院聯合委員會的小提琴八級考試,十二歲隨梁建楓繼續學藝,考獲皇家音樂學院院士級文憑。他連續兩年入選亞洲青年樂團,在多位著名指揮下奏樂,包括馬蘇爾、沙羅倫、迪華特、平諾克、扎持等,又曾在黃蒙拉、史丹達治、科利圖、施坦沙丹、史曼諾夫斯基四重奏、彭德雷斯奇四重奏等名家的大師班上演奏,並曾於德克薩斯州音樂節、北京音樂節亮相。《歌聲魅影》於2014年在香港演出時,他 也是樂團的其中一員。他於2015年加入香港城市室樂團。