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Leung Tak-wing


Leung Tak-wing was born in Hong Kong and studied bassoon with Meyrick Alexander and Graham Sheenon on a scholarship at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and graduated with a Masters of Music degree in orchestral performance. She also holds a Postgraduate Diploma in bassoon performance from the Royal Academy of Music where she studied under John Orford, Gareth Newman and David Chatterton. Leung Tak-wing began her studies on the bassoon from a young age and entered The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. She won several scholarships to study with Kam Shui and graduated with a Bachelor of Music degree in performance. Leung Tak-wing enjoys a dual career as both a bassoonist and teacher in Hong Kong. She has performed on many occasions with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and the Macao Orchestra. With flautist Izumi Nikaido she formed Duo Fluxion and has also performed chamber music with the Hong Kong New Music Ensemble and the woodwind quintet Viva!Pipers. Leung Tak-wing became a member of City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong in 2013.



梁德穎生於香港。她獲獎學金入讀倫敦市政廳音樂及戲劇學院,在邁力克‧阿歷山大和格雷姆‧施儂兩位老師門下學習巴松管,於管弦樂演奏一門考取碩士學位。除此之外,她曾在皇家音樂學院追隨約翰‧奧福德、格拉斯‧紐曼、大偉‧查達頓三位老師,在巴松管演奏考獲深造文憑。梁德穎自小習巴松管,曾就學於香港演藝學院,憑數個獎學金加入金瑞門下學習,畢業時獲頒藝學士學位。她現時在港擔任巴松管樂師,並傳藝授課。她多次參與香港管弦樂團和澳門樂團的演出,又與長笛手二楷堂泉合組Duo Fluxion,並參與香港創樂團及木管樂五重奏組合「非凡管樂派」的演出。梁德穎於2013年加入香港城市室樂團。

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