Samuel Au
Samuel Au was born in Hong Kong. He played the piano from an early age and won several local competitions. He then took up the violin studying under Li Wing-shun, Wang Jia-yang, Yao Jue and Tina Chang Qu and was admitted into the Junior Music Programme at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. He holds a Fellowship in violin performance from Trinity College London and a Licentiate from the Royal Schools of Music. Samuel Au received his Master of Music degree in violin performance from the Royal Academy of Music in London where he studied under with Nathaniel Vallois and Maurice Hasson. During his studies in London he was awarded the prestigious DipRam prize and participated in masterclasses with Tasmin Little, Thomas Brandis, Anthony Marwood, Remus Azoitei, James Ehnes, Ingolf Turban, Mikhail Kopelman and Maxim Vengerov. He then went on to pursue advanced studies in chamber music at the Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Vienna with renowned professors Anton Sorokow, Johannes Meissl, Peter Schuhmayer, Christopher Eggner and Stefan Mendl. Samuel Au is the recipient of many prizes including the Chandos Young Musician Competition and the Herbert Lumby Prize Fund. He has performed in Macau, Shanghai, Prague, Saint Petersburg and Sydney. He became a member of City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong in 2018.
區駿熙生於香港,自小學習鋼琴並贏得多個本地音樂比賽獎項。他之後隨李永純、王家揚、姚珏、曲暢等幾位老師習小提琴,並入讀香港演藝學院初級音樂課程。他曾亮相香港電台及無線電視的節目,並在澳門、上海、布拉格、聖彼得堡、悉尼等地演出,區駿熙考獲英國倫敦聖三一學院的小提琴演奏院士及英國皇家音樂學校協會的文憑。他在倫敦皇家音樂學院師隨法盧瓦及赫笙並考取小提琴演奏碩士學位,更獲頒該學院著名的「演奏文憑獎」。在英國學習期間亦曾參加蕾托、伯蘭迪斯、馬胡德、阿索泰、埃內斯、圖爾班、郝普曼、溫格羅夫等著名小提琴家教授的大師班;亦在維也納音樂與演藝大學隨著名音樂教授索羅葛夫、邁素、舒赫邁亞、艾格納、曼度學習室樂。多年來,區駿熙在多個比賽贏 過不少獎項,包括錢多斯青年樂人比賽和伯明翰音樂學院的賀伯特林比獎基金會。區駿熙曾於澳門,上海,布拉格,聖彼得堡和悉尼演出,並於2018年加入香港城市室樂團。