Yung Pok-yin
Yung Pok-yin was born in Hong Kong. He received his Bachelor of Music degree from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and a Master’s degree in viola performance from Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. His teachers include Andrew Ling, Kaori Wilson, Joseph Kam, Edward Gazouleas and Stephen Wyrczynski. He also received coaching from members of the Shanghai Quartet. In 2017 Yung Pok-yin was a prize-winner of the Ensemble category of the Princess Galyani Vadhana International Ensemble Competition. He has also performed in music festivals in Germany, the Czech Republic and the USA. He joined City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong in 2022.
容博賢是香港土生土長的中提琴手。他於香港中文大學修讀音樂學士,畢業後到印第安納大學音樂學院修讀音樂碩士,師隨Edward Gazouleas、Stephen Wyrczynski、凌顯祐、熊谷佳織及甘浩鵬博士,他亦獲得上海四重奏的指導。容博賢曾參與德國、捷克及美國等地的音樂節更於2017年甘拉亞妮‧瓦塔娜公主國際合奏比賽的室內樂組中獲得獎項。他於2022年加入香港城巿室樂團。