Felix Klieser
Felix Klieser’s extraordinary career proves that holding on to one's dreams against all odds is the path to success and happiness. At the age of 5 he took his first horn lessons and entered the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media as a junior student. In 2014 he won the ECHO Klassik Award Young Artist of the Year. In the same year, Patmos Verlag published his life story entitled "Footnotes - A horn player without arms conquers the World". He has appeared as soloist with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Festival Strings Lucerne, the Symphony Orchestra of Milan Giuseppe Verdi, the Gran Canaria Philharmonic Orchestra, the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra, the Royal Scottish National Orchestra, the Nuremberg Symphony Orchestra, the Robert Schumann Philharmonic Orchestra, the Antalya State Symphony Orchestra in Turkey and the National Arts Centre Orchestra in Ottawa, Canada. Felix Klieser has performed as a soloist at the Gstaad Menuhin Festival, the Ravenna Festival with Riccardo Muti, the BBC Proms with the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra and in 2016 he was the recipient of the Leonard Bernstein Musicianship Award at the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival. He also enjoys a highly successful recording career. Reveries, his debut CD, was awarded the ECHO Klassik Award. His other recordings include the complete Mozart horn concertos with Camerata Salzburg on the Berlin Classics label, works by Mozart and Joseph and Michael Haydn with the Württemberg Chamber Orchestra Heilbronnn and Beyond Words, a CD of arias for horn and orchestra with the CHAARTS Chamber Artists. He has premiered works dedicated to him including, more recently, Rolf Martinsson’s Soundscape. Felix Klieser currently teaches at the Münster University of Music.
菲力斯·克立澤與眾不同的音樂事業,證明了無論面臨多少困難,堅持夢想最終能通往成功與幸福。他在5歲時開始學習圓號,隨後以少年生身份入讀漢諾威音樂戲劇媒體大學。2014年獲ECHO古典音樂獎的「年度青年藝術家」稱號。同年,帕特莫斯出版社出版了他的自傳《註腳:一位沒有手臂的圓號演奏家征服世界》。克立澤曾以獨奏家身份與多個樂團合作演出,包括皇家愛樂樂團、琉森音樂節弦樂團、米蘭威爾第交響樂團、大加那利愛樂樂團、斯洛維尼亞愛樂樂團、皇家蘇格蘭國家管弦樂團、紐倫堡交響樂團、舒曼愛樂樂團、土耳其安塔利亞國家交響樂團、加拿大渥太華國家藝術中心管弦樂團等。他曾在瑞士格施塔德的曼奴軒音樂節演出、在拉韋納音樂節與穆迪同台演出,在英國BBC逍遙音樂會與伯恩茅斯交響樂團合作演出。2016年,他在石勒蘇益格-荷爾斯泰因音樂節獲頒「伯恩斯坦音 樂才能獎」。在錄音方面,克立澤同樣成就斐然,首張專輯《夢幻曲》已獲ECHO古典音樂獎。他還錄製了全套的莫扎特圓號協奏曲,與薩爾茨堡室樂團一起在柏林古典音樂廠牌發行。此外,他還錄製了海頓兄弟與莫扎特的作品,與符騰堡海爾布隆室內樂團合作,並推出了與CHAARTS室樂藝術家樂團合作的《超越語言》圓號與樂團詠嘆調專輯。他還曾首演為他特別創作的作品,如最近的馬丁森的《音景》。菲力斯·克立澤現任明斯特音樂學院圓號教授。